Plat Link We originally started linking the plats page by page just for the benefit of GIS. We saved them as jpegs to drag in ArcMap, pdf's can not load in ArcMap. When we decided to link the plats online We got copies of all the Plats from the courthouse and starting linking all the ones that we could locate. The Courthouse saved the images as tiff's. We had to convert the tiffs to pdf's for linking to the Property Information Site website. During COVID I scanned many plats in the drawers, these were REA copies. They are not recorded, but many times they are better copies than the Courthouse. So we have kept the REA copys even since. Plus REA writes on these plats. Sometimes has helped in the research of properties. 2024 - ESRI can now load pdf's into ArcPro, there is no more need to keep copies of the recorded plats as tiffs. I called the Courthouse to see if we could change the way we plat link so that we could link to 1 document with all the pages. They do not allow the "Deed" information to be viewed online, just the plats are ok to be online. There fore we still plat link the pages and not the entire document. Hopefully one day this can change.